Human Animal Science

Human Animal Science is a regular podcast hosted by Tim Adams and Mia Cobb that takes a scientific view of the world of humans and animals.

Human Animal Science, also known as anthrozoology, is a growing multidisciplinary field of enquiry, and one that produces fascinating topics.

Recent podcasts, articles, and research

Interesting facts about animal sleep

Interesting facts about animal sleep

Human Animal ScienceJan 5, 20233 min read

For humans and animals alike sleep comes in two parts, REM and non REM (Rapid Eye Movement). Non REM sleep happens when we are in a light sleep, and therefore even the slightest noise can wakes us. As we slip into REM sleep we begin to dream and it becomes more difficult to be woken […]

Microbats Australia

Microbats & Bat Facts

Human Animal ScienceNov 3, 202211 min read

Facts About Bats! Diet, Habitat & Behaviour Microbats consume approximately half their body weight in insects per night over the warmer/summer months. They are our natural pest-controllers. Their diet is full of many types of insects, including mosquitoes, moths, beetles,…

Snakes of Tasmania

Snakes of Tasmania

Human Animal ScienceOct 17, 202211 min read

Emergency First Aid & Contact Information for Snake Bites in Tasmania + A Guide to Snakes of Tasmania.

Keeping Blotched Blue Tongued Lizards

Keeping Blotched Blue Tongued Lizards

Human Animal ScienceOct 16, 202210 min read

Our experiences with blotched blue tongue lizards demonstrate very clearly how well suited to outdoor enclosures these lizards are. Their large size, longevity, willingness to breed and ease of maintenance make them ideal for novice reptile keepers (especially children) to…

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The Australian Anthrozoology Research Foundation

The Australian Anthrozoology Research Foundation is a registered charity that funds research into the relationship between animals and humans.

Their mission is to promote the understanding and humane treatment of animals by supporting scientific research that explores the positive effects of their companionship on human health and well-being. They believe that this understanding can help us to create a better world for both animals and people.

Anthrozoology Research Group

The Australian Anthrozoology Research Group is a registered charity that promotes the study of human-animal interactions. They support research into the benefits that come from interacting with animals, be it in a therapeutic, working, or leisure capacity.

The foundation also aims to educate the public about the importance of human-animal interaction and how it can improve our quality of life. They do this through running events, such as lectures and conferences, and by publishing papers and articles on the topic.