Human Animal Science

Human Animal Science is a regular podcast hosted by Tim Adams and Mia Cobb that takes a scientific view of the world of humans and animals.

Human Animal Science, also known as anthrozoology, is a growing multidisciplinary field of enquiry, and one that produces fascinating topics.

Recent podcasts, articles, and research

Rainbow Lorikeets - Pet or Pest?

Rainbow Lorikeets – Pet or Pest?

Human Animal ScienceFeb 1, 20233 min read

As a non-native bird in Australia they’re considered a pest in the wild, yet many Australians adore them as pets. Let’s find out why.

Do turtles make good pets?

Do turtles make good pets?

Human Animal ScienceFeb 1, 20233 min read

Many Australians keep turtles as pets, but you will need to invest in a suitable terrarium and make sure you feed them the correct nutrition.

Alexandrine Parrots

Alexandrine Parrots – Why they’re named after Alexander the Great

Human Animal ScienceFeb 1, 20232 min read

The awe inspiring Alexandrine Parrots are known for their elegance, but also their mood swings. But why are they named after the legendary Alexander the Great?

Organic Pest Management

Organic Pest Management – Doing Things The Wrong Way

Human Animal ScienceJan 31, 20235 min read

Evidence can be seen as far back as 100 years on how gardeners have been taught to control pests and disease using synthetic chemicals the effects of which were never thought of let alone predicted. In the 1960′s Rachel Carson,…

Animals who mate for life - Pair of Gibbons

Animals who mate for life

Human Animal ScienceJan 5, 20233 min read

It’s not only humans that are monogamous. There are lots of creatures in the animal world who mate for life – from Gibbons to Termites.

Brought to you by:

The Australian Anthrozoology Research Foundation

The Australian Anthrozoology Research Foundation is a registered charity that funds research into the relationship between animals and humans.

Their mission is to promote the understanding and humane treatment of animals by supporting scientific research that explores the positive effects of their companionship on human health and well-being. They believe that this understanding can help us to create a better world for both animals and people.

Anthrozoology Research Group

The Australian Anthrozoology Research Group is a registered charity that promotes the study of human-animal interactions. They support research into the benefits that come from interacting with animals, be it in a therapeutic, working, or leisure capacity.

The foundation also aims to educate the public about the importance of human-animal interaction and how it can improve our quality of life. They do this through running events, such as lectures and conferences, and by publishing papers and articles on the topic.