Interesting facts about animal sleep
For humans and animals alike sleep comes in two parts, REM and non REM (Rapid Eye Movement). Non REM sleep happens when we are in a light sleep, and therefore even the slightest noise can wakes us. As we slip into REM sleep we begin to dream and it becomes more difficult to be woken […]
Microbats & Bat Facts
Facts About Bats! Diet, Habitat & Behaviour Microbats consume approximately half their body weight in insects per night over the warmer/summer months. They are our natural pest-controllers. Their diet is full of many types of insects, including mosquitoes, moths, beetles,…
Snakes of Tasmania
Emergency First Aid & Contact Information for Snake Bites in Tasmania + A Guide to Snakes of Tasmania.
Keeping Blotched Blue Tongued Lizards
Our experiences with blotched blue tongue lizards demonstrate very clearly how well suited to outdoor enclosures these lizards are. Their large size, longevity, willingness to breed and ease of maintenance make them ideal for novice reptile keepers (especially children) to…