
Animal attraction & human animal interaction: positive youth development

Dr Megan Mueller is a developmental psychologist working in the Cummings School of veterinary medicine at Tufts University (USA).

Megan’s own passion for animals led her to scientifically examine the roles they play in human health and positive development for children, families and communities.

In this episode of Human Animal Science, we speak to Megan about her recent research looking at human animal interaction and positive youth development.



Megan Mueller - Animal attraction and human animal interaction
Megan Mueller

Megan Mueller – Tufts University Profile


Mueller, M. K. (2014). Is Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) Linked to Positive Youth Development? Initial Answers. Applied Developmental Science18(1), 5-16.

Mueller, M. K. (2014). The Relationship between Types of Human–Animal Interaction and Attitudes about Animals: An Exploratory Study. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals27(2), 295-308.

Mueller, M. K. (2014). Human-Animal Interaction as a Context for Positive Youth Development: A Relational Developmental Systems Approach to Constructing Human-Animal Interaction Theory and Research. Human Development57(1), 5-25.

More of Megan’s publications via Google Scholar

Photo: Flickr/stuckincustoms


Animal training: what’s going on?

Kate Mornement is an animal behaviourist who engages in regular ongoing professional development.

When it means interacting with beluga whales, exotic parrots, lions and gorgeous puppies, why wouldn’t she?

Tim and Mia talk to Kate to find out more about the application of learning theory across this wide range of animals, and what’s really going on in animal training.



Kate Mornement - Animal training - What's really going on?
Kate Mornement

Pets Behaving Badly website

Further reading

Chance, P. (2013). Learning and behavior. Cengage Learning. Amazon Australia | Amazon US

McGreevy, P., & Boakes, R. (2011). Carrots and sticks: Principles of animal training. Darlington Press. Amazon

Pryor, K. (1999). Dont shoot the dog. Bantam. Amazon Australia | Amazon US

Ramirez, K. (1999) Animal training: successful animal management through positive reinforcement. Chicago: Shedd Aquarium. Amazon


Amazing tails: Reading with dogs

Dr Holly Lane is an Associate Professor in the School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida’s College of Education.

Her research focuses on literacy intervention and prevention of reading difficulties through effective early literacy instruction and teacher education.

Holly’s first observations as a classroom teacher with her own dog, Floyd, led her to notice how dogs helped to motivate students.

Fast forward to now, and she’s getting the opportunity to research the growing field of canine-assisted reading programs, with promising future directions.

Listen in and find out what she has to say about reading with dogs!



Dr. Holly Lane - Reading with dogs
Dr. Holly Lane

Holly Lane: University of Florida Profile

Lane, H. B., & Zavada, S. D. (2013). When Reading Gets Ruff: Canine‐Assisted Reading Programs.
The Reading Teacher, 67(2): 87-95.


Friesen, L. (2010). Potential for the role of school-based animal-assisted literacy mentoring programsLanguage and Literacy, 12(1): 21-37.

Smith, C. S. (2009). An Analysis and Evaluation of Sit Stay Read: Is the Program Effective in Improving Student Engagement and Reading Outcomes?. EdD Dissertation. National Louis University.

Going to the Dogs: Can a canine help your child learn to read? Psychology Today

Photo: Steven Pam | Smartshots Photography


Animal hoarding: a complex mess

Dr Kersti Seksel, registered specialist in veterinary behaviour medicine and behavioural science major in human psychology, explains the complicated and sensitive topic of animal hoarding.

This issue is difficult to research and complex to resolve, but help is available.

Find out more about animal hoarding in our interview with Kersti.



RSPCA: Animal Hoarding information

The hoarding of animals research consortium (Tufts University)

Snowdon, J., Halliday, G., & Banerjee, S. (2012). Severe Domestic Squalor. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 5: Animal Hoarding.

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Beyond Blue


Image credit: Banksy via Flickr/JoelRae