Dr Rachel Casey is a veterinary surgeon, animal behaviourist and welfare scientist working at the University of Bristol Veterinary School in the United Kingdom.
Rachel has a PhD in animal behaviour and leads a research group investigating aspects of companion animal behaviour and welfare.
Her recent research on aggressive behaviour in dogs has highlighted important new information regarding prevalence, risk factors and occurrence in difference contexts.
The findings might not be what you expect.
Rachel Casey’s Blog: Reigning Cats and Dogs
Follow Rachel on Twitter: @DrRachelCasey
Casey, RA, Loftus, BA, Bolster, C, Richards, GJ & Blackwell, E-J 2013, ‘Inter-dog aggression in a UK owner survey: prevalence, co-occurrence in different contexts and risk factors’. Veterinary Record, vol 172.
Casey, RA, Loftus, BA, Bolster, C, Richards, GJ & Blackwell, E-J 2013, ‘Human directed aggression in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris): occurrence in different contexts and risk factors’. Applied Animal Behaviour Science.
Bradshaw, J, Blackwell, E & Casey, R 2009,‘Dominance in domestic dogs: useful construct or bad habit?’. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, vol 4., pp. 135 – 144

Image credit: Flickr/FredArmitage